Kenya is home to some of the most amazing wildlife experiences on the planet. It is the birthplace of safari and the home of the famous Masai Mara, Amboseli, Tsavo, and Samburu. There’s no better way to get up close and personal with African wildlife than on one of Kenya’s famous safaris, and here are some of the popular wild animals you might see in their natural habitats during your safari.
1. African Elephant

African elephants are the world’s largest land and heaviest land animal. Its sheer size and presence will definitely astound you and the good news is that they’re not difficult to spot!
Best Places to See Elephants in Kenya:
2. Lion
The lion, also known as the king of the jungle, is Africa’s largest and most sociable cat. They live in pride of up to 40 lions, with the lionesses doing all of the hunting that’s shared amongst the pride members. Lions are also very territorial, with females spending the majority of their lives within their home ranges.
Best Places to See Lions in Kenya:
3. Rhino
Rhinos, which were once common throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, have declined tremendously due to illegal poaching and are probably the most difficult of the big five animals to spot in the wild. And Kenya is home to both the two rhinos species: the black rhino and the white rhino. While white rhinos are the most common across the country, black rhinos continue to stay one of Kenya’s most endangered animals, as well as one of the most difficult safari animals to spot.
Best Places to See Rhinos in Kenya:
4. Leopard
Leopards are one of Africa’s shyest and least sociable animals. They are solitary, independent creatures that are rarely seen together, except during mating or when a mother has cubs. And they frequently lounge around trees during the day and come to the ground after dark to hunt, taking their prey up into a tree to eat at their leisure.
Best Places to See Leopard in Kenya:
5. African Buffalo
The African buffalo has a reputation for being bad-tempered and aggressive, especially solitary buffaloes, which can be unpredictable and dangerous, thus their inclusion in the big five animals.
Best Places to See Buffalos in Kenya:
6. Cheetah
Cheetahs are well-known for being the world’s fastest land animals, capable of reaching speeds of 120 kilometers per hour and accelerating from 0 to 95 kilometers in just three seconds. These cats require land and space, and seeing one run at full speed is the highlight of any animal safari.
Best Places to See Cheetah in Kenya:
7. Hyena
For the longest period of time, Hyenas have had a bad reputation due to their scavenging behavior and gruesome appearance, but these animals, just like vultures and jackals, play an important role in the ecosystem by consuming carrion thus acting as Mother Nature’s recyclers!
Best Places to See Zebras in Kenya:
8. Zebra
The two most common zebra species found in Kenya are the Common Zebra and the Grevys Zebra, with the latter being the most endangered. They play an interesting role in the ecosystem because they are pioneer gazers, nibbling and feeding on the top layer of grass thus opening up the grassland for more specialized grazers looking for the short grasses tucked below.
Best Places to See Zebras in Kenya:
9. Giraffe
Giraffes are one of the most common animals that can be seen throughout most destinations in Kenya as they live in herds of about 20 and use their long, muscular necks to gently eat leaves four meters above the ground and fight off threats when necessary.
Best Places to See Giraffes in Kenya:
10. Wildebeest
Wildebeest are identified by a long black mane and a beard of hair hanging from their throat and neck, as well as short curved horns. They live in herds of tens to thousands and they primarily feed on grasses, occasional shrubs, and herbs.
Best Places to See Wildebeest in Kenya:
11. Warthog
Warthogs are very popular in Kenya, and they usually live in family groups, where they spend the majority of their time either looking for food or wallowing in the mud at waterholes.
Best Places to See Warthogs in Kenya:
12. Hippo
Hippos are semi-aquatic safari animals that spend the majority of their days cooling off in the water or mud. They resemble large pigs but are actually related to whale species, and despite their large, cumbersome appearance, they can easily outrun a human, making them one of Africa’s most dangerous animals.
Best Places to See Hippos in Kenya:
13. Crocodile
The Nile crocodiles are Africa’s largest freshwater predator, and they can be found in various aquatic environments such as lakes, rivers, swamps, and marshlands in Kenya. One incredible sighting of these animals occurs during the Great Wildebeest Migration when you can watch them ambush and catch prey attempting to cross the Mara River
Best Places to See Crocodile in Kenya:
14. African Wild Dogs
African wild dogs live in groups of 6-20 individuals and are highly intelligent and sociable. These canids possess all of the traits of the ideal predator: acute intelligence, exceptional cooperation, superb hearing, great physical strength, exceptional vision, and sheer speed. Unfortunately, these animals are critically endangered
Best Places to See African Hunting Dog in Kenya:
15. Impala
Impala are a common sight across various national parks and game reserves in Kenya, so you should have no trouble spotting them during your safari. They have a lovely reddish-brown coat with a white underbelly, similar to the springbok, though the colors are not as dramatically contrasted. Another distinguishing feature of the impala is its dark black streaks that run from its buttocks to its upper hindlegs, with a dark stripe running down its bushy whitetail.
Best Places to See Impala in Kenya:
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