Embark on an extraordinary 11-day expedition to Kenya, where you will discover the majestic highlands of Mount Kenya, the vast grasslands of the Masai Mara, and the arid region of Samburu, where you can witness the diverse wildlife and cultural heritage of the Samburu people. Experience the thrill of visiting a private wildlife sanctuary located in a valley between the towering slopes of Mount Kenya and the peaks of the Aberdare Mountains. Spread over 45,000 acres, the reserve offers a secluded environment where you can observe the abundant wildlife and mingle with other lodge guests. Notably, Solio Game Reserve, located within this sanctuary, is renowned for its successful private rhino breeding program. Additionally, the sweeping landscapes of the Masai Mara offer unforgettable views that stretch for kilometers, with every termite mound being guarded by a Topi. Don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the colorful cultural history of the Samburu people and witness the adapted wildlife of the semi-arid region.